Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Is there really too much to do?

Lately, I've been pretty sure there is too much to do - which, of course, stresses me out. I used to think that I don't handle stress well because when I get stressed I want to do what I want to do. I get bossy, insensitive to my wife, and I want to relax how I want to relax - no matter what anyone else wants.

But I've come to a revelation. I actually deal with stress really well because I serve a God who is all powerful. What I mean is, I don't easily stress out when I'm serving God - even if things get crazy all around me because He is a good father who is in control. However, when I take control of some part of my life (serve myself), I find that I don't have what it takes to be in control, which stresses me out. Then, I end up taking control of my whole life, which leads to being bossy, insensitive, and selfish with my time. If I am trying to control my life I end up looking to my own solutions to deal with my negative feelings, instead of looking to God's sufficient provision.

The really crazy thing is that I have this revelation on a regular basis - it just seems to come quicker each time around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great observation. I notice that when I get to that controlling stuff/worrying about stuff in my life place, nothing satisfies me anyway and it becomes the Ecclesiastes all is vanity thing. Reminds me of the words to a Jen Knapp song - when nothing satisfies you, hold My hand. How to get back to the right place. I'm so thankful that the Lord points things out to us according to His word so we can grow and change in His power. Sweet!