Sunday, August 03, 2008

Why I'm Not Boycotting the Beijing Olympics:

I just saw this group on facebook for people boycotting the Beijing Olympics. Up until a couple of weeks ago I was on this bandwagon as well.

However, a coworker of mine showed me two important facts that changed my mind:
1-The Olympics is about the athletes, not politics. The moment we make it about politics we disrespect the lifetime of training of many athletes.
2-If we as a nation had boycotted the Berlin Olympics in Nazi Germany, Jesse Owens would have never been able to whoop on Hitler's aryan BS propaganda (in case you forget, Owens was the black dude that took the germans to school in their own land to win four gold medals).

Let me be straight though - China is a horrible country that in no way deserves our money, trade, or help. I lump China's leaders in with characters like Charles Taylor, anyone with a gun and power in Sudan, Stalin, Milosevic, and Nestle(¡Viva a Subcomandante Marcos!). Does that sound harsh? Yes.

But let's not punish the athletes and miss a chance to whoop commie @#&%!! in China with a senseless boycott.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on!!!! It's not the athletes' fault that China's leaders are beating and killing Christians and doing a lot of other bad stuff. Love the comment about Jesse Owens. Yeah!
Hey, the truth IS harsh. Do we want to pray and do something productive about it, or have an ineffective Olympics boycott that punishes the wrong people?